SKF VKJA 5710 - Joint Kit, drive shaft

No longer deliverable by the manufacturer
Trade Numbers 44305-SB2-000, 44305-SB2-010, 44305-SF4-010, 44305-SF4-020, 44305-SF4-900, 44305-SF4-901, 44305-SH3-000, 44305-SH3-010, 44305-SH3-A21, 44306-SB2-000, 44306-SB2-010, 44306-SF4-001, 44306-SF4-020, 44306-SH3-000, 44306-SH3-010, 44306-SH3-A21
Weight 1.98 Kg
Taxcode 87085099
Country Sweden

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DHL Express
Estimated delivery : 15 April